Kick-off meeting

The NanoTheCAba kick-off meeting was held telematically on October 15th, 2021. 


2:30 pm Giuliana Magnacca Consortium welcome
2:35-2:50 pm Transfer Project representative Presentation of Transfer Project activities
2:50-3:10 pm
Giuliana Magnacca (UNITO)
Francesca Deganello (CNR-ISMN)
Vittorio Boffa (AAU)
Victor Candelario (LQT)
Mariana Ornelas (CeNTI)
Aharon Gedanken (BIU)
Stefania Truffa (Project-HUB)
Presentation of the partners and expertise in the project
3:10-3:50 pm Giuliana Magnacca (UNITO) Brief remind about proposal details (aim, WP content, deadlines....)
3.50-4:00 pm M. Cristina Paganini (UNITO) Communication and dissemination activities
4:00-4:20 pm Giuliana Magnacca (UNITO) Activities to start
4:20-4:30 pm All partners Possible interactions outside the consortium
4:30 pm Giuliana Magnacca (UNITO) Next appointments and closure of the meeting